Tag Archives: flowers

New Book Release – Sharing Stories on Our Autism Journey

June is a great month. It official marks summer break from school, as well as the first day of Summer. It is also my birth month, which is why I decided to publish The Road I’ve Traveled on my birthday.

The Road I’ve Traveled is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Its official release date will be on the 19th of June.

I absolutely love the cover. The anchor represents my time in the Navy. The color blue represents my love of the ocean, as well as autism awareness.

The Road Ive Traveled

The Road I’ve Traveled is a compilation of poems and short stories Jennifer wrote during moments of her life where she felt the need to get it all out. She writes about being in the Navy during the tragedies of 9/11, having to deploy to New York where she and her shipmates stayed in New York’s harbor for three weeks, guarding the coastline in hopes of preventing any further attacks.

She writes about loss, love, heartbreak, family. You can see the fondness she had for her grandfather as she includes a heartfelt eulogy she had written moments after his passing.

She also writes about being a single mom, as well as a mom to a child who is on the autism spectrum. The journey they have endured together has been bumpy, but they continue to plow through life, learning about autism and sensory processing disorder as they go.

You can find all of my books, recently published and upcoming, under my name and my pen name, posted on my website: www.twistedcrowpress.com/books
Or, you can find them on Amazon:
For all books published under my name, Jennifer N. Adams on Amazon, click here.
For all books published under my pen name, J. Raven Wilde on Amazon, click here.

Alligators in Arkansas?

Spring break usually means vacation time for some, but to me, it’s time for catching up on college homework, as it does tend to pile up for us non-traditional students. It also means finishing tasks around the house that also needs my attention, such as taking my car into the shop to fix a burned out fuse, as well as having them take care of a recall. Then there’s the usual, dentist and doctor appointments that I can finally make since I have some time off. Or the opportunity to go into work early. All and all, for me, spring break just means staying busy, instead of relaxing on a tropical beach somewhere, listening to the waves crash onto shore, while I work on my tan.

But, it isn’t all work and no play, I do find some time for fun.

Yesterday, I took my daughter to the Alligator Farm in Hot Springs. She’s been begging me to take her to the zoo, yet most of the things she enjoys is out of order and under construction at our local zoo in Little Rock; the train, petting zoo, etc. Plus, they no longer have giraffes, which is my daughter’s favorite.

I had thought about taking her to Turpentine Creek, which is a wildcat sanctuary in Eureka Springs, but that’s a four hour drive (back roads and road construction) and it was supposed to rain yesterday. It was also slightly chilly, so taking her into the Ozark Mountains to walk around looking at wildcats wasn’t something she would enjoy.

The alligator farm was a relatively short visit. There wasn’t much going on, but on the positive side, it wasn’t crowded. Since alligators are cold blooded reptiles, they were being kept indoors where it’s much warmer. They have spacious yards outside, yet it is still too cold for them to be moved outdoors.

Along with the numerous amount of alligators, they also had a pair of Arctic Wolves, a mountain lion, turkeys, mallards and wood ducks, peacocks, a macaque, three lemurs, an emu, a couple of donkeys, and a handful of fallow deer, goats, and sheep.

Mini me was infatuated with the alligators, yet knew not to poke her fingers through the fence to try to pet one. Although, there was a guy holding a young alligator for visitors to pet (it had a rubber band around it’s snout so it wouldn’t snap anyone’s fingers off). Of course after I touched it’s belly, she saw that it was okay and touched it twice, which was long enough for me to snap a quick picture.

It was a fairly inexpensive trip, yet we always enjoy getting out of the house, no matter the price. I think that any young child or adult would enjoy taking a few minutes out of their weekend to visit the Alligator Farm. It’s easy to get to, plus it’s located five blocks away from downtown Hot Springs, where there is plenty of other things to see and do for couples and for families.


WPC: Fresh

For this week’s photo challenge, share a photo of something fresh.

My daughter and I spent the first day of Spring, visiting the alligator farm in Hot Springs. We followed that with a short stack of pancakes at IHOP, her request, then came home just in time for it to start raining.


I love Spring. To me, it represents a fresh start in life; everything blooming and waking up. The vibrant colors popping out, adding color to the grey bleakness that represented Winter. Birds chirping, squirrels chattering and their newborns cry out for food. It’s a fresh, new life in another Spring season.


This Week’s Photo Challenge: Orange

This week’s photo challenge is, orange; anything to do with the color orange. Orange just happens to be my favorite color. It’s bright, colorful, and is cheerful.

Below are a few pictures from my 2001 Navy Deployment, as well as a few pictures from the past few months around here in Arkansas.


Church in NaplesCrete sunset

1497786_821572894549878_1746614542_n67wrenorchidmush1cats9autismspeaks1leaves 1

This Week’s One Word Photo Challenge: Bittersweet

This week’s One Word Photo Challenge is Bittersweet. This one was a tough one. I couldn’t find anything in this whole house that was a bittersweet color. It’s been bleak and grey here with the sleet, snow, and freezing rain we’ve been getting for the past few weeks, so there was no luck in finding anything colorful outside. Then I went to water (just a tad bit of water) my grandmother’s orchid and if you look closely, you can see a hint of the color bittersweet.


I also took a look through my photos to see if I had anything and found a one. Anyone remember using these things? Yes, I know what it is, just neat that my mother still has one lying around the house. I didn’t ask if she had any 45’s to go with it.

45 center piece

Before anyone ask me, yes, I know what this is. Also, as you can tell, it belongs to my Mother.


Weekly Photo Challenge – Spring

I think Spring is one of my favorite seasons, other than Autumn. I love Autumn for the beautiful, bright fall colors. I love Spring for the same reason, though I mostly love Spring for the baby animals. I also have a green thumb and enjoy seeing the seeds and bulbs that I have planted grow into such beautiful, colorful flowers. This year, I didn’t get the chance to plant anything until mid April due to the harsh winter (snow, sleet, frost) we were having. Then, if that wasn’t bad enough, it wouldn’t stop raining long enough for me to pull weeds out of the garden or plant anything. But, the perennials that I do have in the garden, have already sprouted, budded, and bloomed.

Spring doesn’t just bring out the vivid color green, or bright colors of pink, purple, yellow, and blue all around, it also brings babies…baby animals that is. The stables where my daughter rides has a new member added to their family, an adorable little donkey named Easter; he was born on Easter Sunday. My daughter and I got the opportunity to meet him. He’s full of energy and seems eager to greet everyone. My daughter was able to pet him for a few minutes, then thought she would chase after him, then he would chase after her. I was more afraid Momma donkey wouldn’t like that very much, but the two kids were enjoying themselves, no matter how nervous their momma’s were. After five minutes of meet and greet, we let momma and Easter have their peace and quiet.








One Word Photo Challenge: Yellow

I love Spring and the beautiful colors it brings. I ventured towards the garden center, at my local store and purchased some flower bulbs and seeds. Tomorrow is supposed to be a nice day, especially for messing around in my flowerbeds. Here are a couple of pictures of some of the flowers representing this weeks photo challenge color: yellow.

If you would like to see when the next photo challenge is, click here.


One Word Photo Challenge: Yellow

My flowerbeds are turning green as new life sprouts forth from the dirt. The first flowers to bud and bloom are the dandelions. It’s been a harsh winter for most, but maybe this is a sign that Spring is very close and warmer weather will be here soon.


One Word Photo Challenge: Green

Starting to see some flowers coming up in my flowerbeds. I’m trying not to brag since some of you are still getting snow or won’t be able to see grass for a few more months yet, when all the snow melts.
