Tag Archives: People

New Book Release – Sharing Stories on Our Autism Journey

June is a great month. It official marks summer break from school, as well as the first day of Summer. It is also my birth month, which is why I decided to publish The Road I’ve Traveled on my birthday.

The Road I’ve Traveled is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Its official release date will be on the 19th of June.

I absolutely love the cover. The anchor represents my time in the Navy. The color blue represents my love of the ocean, as well as autism awareness.

The Road Ive Traveled

The Road I’ve Traveled is a compilation of poems and short stories Jennifer wrote during moments of her life where she felt the need to get it all out. She writes about being in the Navy during the tragedies of 9/11, having to deploy to New York where she and her shipmates stayed in New York’s harbor for three weeks, guarding the coastline in hopes of preventing any further attacks.

She writes about loss, love, heartbreak, family. You can see the fondness she had for her grandfather as she includes a heartfelt eulogy she had written moments after his passing.

She also writes about being a single mom, as well as a mom to a child who is on the autism spectrum. The journey they have endured together has been bumpy, but they continue to plow through life, learning about autism and sensory processing disorder as they go.

You can find all of my books, recently published and upcoming, under my name and my pen name, posted on my website: www.twistedcrowpress.com/books
Or, you can find them on Amazon:
For all books published under my name, Jennifer N. Adams on Amazon, click here.
For all books published under my pen name, J. Raven Wilde on Amazon, click here.

What Not To Say To A Native American

American’s have the advantage of free speech, whereas in some countries it’s illegal to speak out against things you’re opposed to, or to rally for things you’re for. That freedom of speech, at times, gives our western culture the idea to feel free to ask whatever is on our mind without having thought the question through, or say anything we wish to express, whether anyone around us agrees with it. American’s have no filter. It’s a birthright, I guess you can say. However, some take their ‘freedom of speech’ a bit too far.

For instance, when stated that I am Native American, it’s typical to hear in response, ‘how much Indian/Native American are you?’. It’s actually an insensitive question. I don’t ask anyone about their culture, race, or ethnic background, or how much of it are they really, it’s just plan rude. You are what you are, so why should I question it. I don’t ask to see your birth certificate or any other paperwork for that matter, to see if you are who you say you are, so why would anyone question a native american for being who they are?

There’s always a general question or comment brought up when native american’s are mentioned. My favorite, for instance, ‘my great-seven times back-grandma was a Cherokee princess’. Actually, there’s no such thing. There may be a chief’s daughter, but no royal titles were given, such as princess. You should see the facial expression I get when I tell people that, or hear the harsh comments I receive.

Certain words in our past history were used by Immigrants out of pretext for reasons that are not excusable. A word most often heard and should take precaution before being said is, ‘squaw’. It’s a derogatory word to mean whore, or to refer to a women’s genitalia. Redskin and brave are also derogatory words.

It’s rude to ask to touch someone’s hair, as well as it is to ask about oil rights and casino money. It’s also rude to ask, ‘do you live in a teepee?’, ‘do you receive any special benefits?’, ‘do you dance at powwows?’, ‘what do you really smoke in your peace pipe?’, ‘what’s your spirit animal?’, ‘why don’t you cut your hair?’, ‘do you celebrate Thanksgiving or Columbus Day?’.

You should always check yourself before asking anyone anything. If it sounds racist, it probably is and should not be said. Step outside your comfort zone and think, ‘if someone asked me this question or made this comment to me, would I be offended?’.

How Shall I Address You?

A blog post for my online French class:

“Last year, the French government stopped using mademoiselle on official documents. Now, all women are referred to with madame. In the English speaking world, Ms. was created as an alternative without government action.  In your post address what you think these different approaches indicate about French and American cultures.”

Miss, Ms., and Mrs. are all titles for women to define one marital status. Miss is simply for a single, unmarried woman. Ms. is for a woman who is divorced, widowed, or perhaps doesn’t wish to disclose her marital status. And Mrs. is for a married woman. I myself have never used Miss. Even though I’ve never married, I use Ms. I am a mother and think it is only fitting to use Ms. But at what age do you start using Ms., rather than Miss?

In France women of adult age won’t have to worry about figuring that out anymore. According to BBC News, France Prime Minister Francois Fillion says, “Women will no longer be forced to describe themselves.” France has done away with calling women Mademoiselle and will begin calling all women Madame, married or not.

I remember watching one of my favorite French films, Apres Vous, where Daniel Auteuil’s character asks a woman, “Madame o Mademoiselle?” He was sent by a friend to find his friend’s ex-girlfriend. When he finds his friend’s ex-girlfriend he simply asks her, Madame or Mademoiselle to see if she has since married. Her reply is, “Mademoiselle.”

I guess it would’ve been simpler to ask if she was married, but that may be considered rude since they’ve never met before. Here in America I can assume it’s easier just to ask if the woman is married or not, instead of asking how she should be called, Ms. or Mrs.

Women’s personal titles have been used for years, not just in America, but all over the world. To me it’s a use of respect. Women this day and age are more independent. Not a lot of women are married. I’ve been on my own since I was eighteen and majority of that time I’ve been single. Maybe it’s a good thing what France is doing, allowing all women to be on an equal level instead of defining their marital status.